Divine Service 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Bible Study 11:30 am
Monday Evening Bible Study 6:30 pm
Any additional services will be announced on our website on the monthly calendar.
This Week's Church Calendar
Sun. Jan. 19: Evangelism Meeting 9:00am
Holy Trinity Divine Service 10:00 am
Holy Trinity Sunday School 11:30 am
Holy Trinity Bible Class 11:30 am
Prince of Peace Divine Service 2:00 pm
Prince of Peace Bible Class 3:00pm
Mon. Jan. 20: Pastoral Class 2:30 pm
Monday Night Bible Class 6:30 pm
Wed. Jan. 22: Pastoral Class 4:00 pm
Thu. Jan. 23: Hannah Circle 9:00 am
Sat. Jan. 25: Initial Book Club Gathering 11:00 am
Sun. Jan. 26: Mary-Martha Society 9:00 am
Holy Trinity Divine Service 10:00 am
Holy Trinity Sunday School 11:30 am
Holy Trinity Bible Class 11:30am
Wedding Shower hosted by Mary-Martha 2:00 pm
Prince of Peace Divine Service 2:00 pm
Prince of Peace Bible Class 3:00 pm
Welcome to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Tupelo, Mississippi
​ Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Tupelo, Mississippi, is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. As part of the Missouri Synod, we walk together (Synod) with 6000 other congregations in a common confession of faith in our Triune God and with a common mission. As a Lutheran congregation, we live together as a family, united to one another by our common bloodline; the blood of Jesus Christ shed for us and for every one, that we might receive the most precious gift of forgiveness, also life and salvation.
Through Christ, we find our adoption into the family of God. Baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we stand united to Christ and to one another, as those marked and sealed by the cross to be dearly beloved children of our heavenly Father. As His dearly beloved children, we share a common lineage of faith with the saints of all ages. We share a common liturgy, a common meal, a common hope, a common goal, a common purpose; namely to receive Christ and His gifts in the Divine Service and then, by those gifts, to go out and live for God and one another in love.
As the family of God, we desire to grow together, care for one another, nurture one another, strengthen one another, support one another, pray for one another; in short - love one another. We do all this as Jesus binds us together in His love. For it is His faithfulness, His obedience, His sacrifice on the cross, His resurrected life, His abiding presence, His grace, His strength, His gifts of Word and Sacrament that fills us to overflowing with His love. We love because He first loved us.
If you would like to know more about our family or about the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, we welcome the opportunity to visit with you. You will always be welcome to join us in the worship of our loving God and as we gather together to spend time in His Holy Word. The Divine Service takes place at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. There are Bible Studies held on Monday evenings (6:30 p.m.) and Wednesday mornings (10:30 a.m.)
We would love to hear from you. Pastor Mac Kain can be reached at 662.350.3679.
May the God of all grace; the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit bless and keep you. Amen
Pastor David E. Mac Kain - davidemackain@yahoo.com